Tuesday, November 17, 2009

10 Assets of a Fake Person

I'm pretty sure everyone has had to deal with fake, two-faced, and phony friends. They are the ones that will say hi to you in the hall but don't dare to say a word outside of school to you. The ones who smile to your face and talk behind your back. The ones that will compliment something about you but then turn around and laugh knowing it wasn't true. They are the ones that only say what people want to hear even if they don't mean it. The ones that will go out with your ex boyfriends, or ditch you for their own boyfriends. The ones who only ever hang out with you or talk to you when there is something in it for them. The ones that…okay, okay you get the point! All people want to know is how to deal with these so-called friends of theirs.

I bet that most of you have seen the movie "Mean Girls" which is a perfect example of how some girls as in this case are fake, phony and two-faced!

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So when I think of someone who qualifies as a "fake" person these are some assets that come to mind.

1. Center of Attention

2. Selfish

3. Nosy

4. Untrustworthy

5. Liar

6. Always in competition

7. Disrespectful

8. Judgmental

9. Gossiper

10. Dramatic

If someone you know popped up in your head while reading these, then you should be asking yourself why your still friends with them.

You may not all be a fan of Miley Cyrus but she explains what a true friend should really be like in her song "True Friend" Enjoy! :)

1 comment:

Shelby said...

I like the picture of barbie and ken :]